Husband and Wife
by Melvin Smith
Mixed media collage
Dimensions: 20 x 20
Gift of Mary Beth and Michael Guard in honor of Karen Sharp, 2006.
The Artwork
Husband and Wife is a mixed-media collage created by Melvin R. Smith, a native Oklahoman and nationally recognized African American artist. Smith and his wife, Rose Smith, each have work in the Oklahoma State Art Collection. This collage represents the tenderness between a wedded couple, and is reminiscent of the bond between Melvin R. and Rose Smith.
The Artist
Born in Oklahoma City, Melvin R. Smith earned his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Minnesota. Though his pursuits as an artist began with his graduation in 1975, it was Smith's experiments with collage in 1983 that led him to his artistic voice and later sculpture. Smith, along with his wife and artist partner Rose, traveled greatly searching for the communities that would provide them the experiences they sought to inform their works. These experiences led to exhibitions and gallery representation across the nation from Oklahoma to Minnesota to Illinois and New York. With works ranging from collage paintings on paper to fabricated sculptures of found objects that tower stories into the air, Smith's work can be found in prestigious collections including those of Colorado State University, Oklahoma City Museum of Art, and the St. Paul Insurance Companies of St. Paul. In addition to his work as an artist, Smith along with his wife, Rose, founded the Oklahoma Museum of African American Art.