Oklahoma Arts Conference
Request for Proposals
About the Oklahoma Arts Conference
The Oklahoma Arts Council organizes the biennial statewide Oklahoma Arts Conference to bring together the state's arts sector workforce for professional development and networking opportunities. Serving hundreds of arts administrators, artists, community developers, educators, students, volunteers, and others, the conference features nationally recognized industry experts and Oklahoma-based presenters. Sessions focus on nonprofit management, career development for artists, community and economic development through the arts, arts education, and more. Throughout the multi-day event, attendees participate in a variety of presentations, workshops, panel discussions, and performances. Evening events give participants the opportunity to experience the arts in the host community.
Made possible through a partnership of the Oklahoma Arts Council, Oklahomans for the Arts, and the host community, with support from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Oklahoma Arts Conference brings together hundreds of Oklahomans from the arts sector in one location where participants get equipped for success, gain and share ideas, and celebrate our state's vibrant and growing creative industry.
Submit a Proposal to Host the 2025 Oklahoma Arts Conference
The Oklahoma Arts Council is currently accepting proposals from communities interested in hosting the 2025 Oklahoma Arts Conference. Proposals must be submitted using the form below. Deadline to submit a proposal is August 15, 2024.
Potential dates for the 2025 Oklahoma Arts Conference
Applicants must have one or more of the following dates available to host the event:
September 30-October 2, 2025
October 1-3, 2025
October 7-9, 2025
October 8-10, 2025
October 22-24, 2025
October 28-30, 2025
Example Schedule
Every Oklahoma Arts Conference is different, shaped by factors such as the dates available for the event, the overall state of the arts sector and needs of the sector at the time, the available spaces within the host community, the unique history of the area, the composition of the community committee and the resources available to them, and more. Schedules for each conference vary accordingly. To assist communities with preparing their proposals and envisioning how the conference could be structured to fit with their resources, below is an example of a three-day Oklahoma Arts Conference schedule. Please note: All conference content is determined by the Oklahoma Arts Council. Be sure to review the responsibilities of the host community on this page for more information.
Day 1 (Pre-Conference):
- Half-day forums for specific groups
- Tours
- Pre-conference reception
- Evening events such as local theatre productions, performances, and other presentations already scheduled in the community
Day 2:
- "Good Morning" welcome and overview
- Interactive art activity (all-day)
- Morning breakout sessions
- Opening general session luncheon with state and local officials and other VIPs in attendance; featured performance; keynote remarks
- Afternoon breakout sessions
- Evening opening reception hosted by the community
- Evening activities featuring the local arts
Day 3:
- Morning breakout sessions
- Interactive art activity (all-day)
- General session luncheon featuring Leadership Arts graduation
- Afternoon breakout sessions
- Optional post-conference gathering
in community
Requirements for Hosting the Conference
Communities must have the following in order to be considered for hosting the conference:
Hotel rooms for up to 350 guests
Large room or banquet room for general sessions that can accommodate at least 350 guests; banquet seating and linen; stage measuring at least 18' x 24'; curtains or pipe and draping; audio/visual to include mic capability for up to six (6) people, sound, two (2) screens, and projectors
Minimum of four (4) breakout session spaces with audio/visual for each; mics for up to five (5) panelists in one session; an audio speaker for mics; and a projector for closed captioning. Auxiliary spaces may be used if they are adjacent to or within walking distance of the main conference location.
- Registration area with access to a minimum of three (3) tables and access to electricity
- Storage room with private access for Oklahoma Arts Council/conference supplies and personal belongings
- Space for at least four (4) resource tables for brochures and other information
Facilities and access points must be ADA compliant
Wi-fi of at least 2 Mbps (test it at speedtest.net)
Catering options for diabetic, vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free diets
Benefits of Hosting the Conference
Hosting the convening of the state's arts sector provides communities an excellent opportunity to showcase their local arts and cultural assets to hundreds of Oklahomans who are interested in gleaning ideas and gaining inspiration to implement in their own communities. The conference consistently draws a sizable audience of attendees who travel to the host community from all parts of Oklahoma, booking hotel rooms, patronizing area restaurants and businesses, purchasing art from local galleries, and spending money in other ways that stimulate the local economy during their conference experience. Through the Oklahoma Arts Conference, host communities can forge a lasting impression on many of Oklahoma's most ardent creative professionals, and in the process the host receives significant exposure statewide and beyond through the marketing efforts of the state's official arts agency.
Responsibilities of the Host Community
The host community plays an integral role in the success of the Oklahoma Arts Conference. A committee* comprised of local stakeholders and community partners will be tasked with coordinating regular Oklahoma Arts Conference planning meetings with the staff of the Oklahoma Arts Council. The committee must include representation from the arts community and should also reflect constituencies outside of the arts such as the business community, government, tribal nations, tourism/CVBs, colleges, and more. A chair and co-chair from the community will facilitate committee meetings and spearhead planning and execution of select conference activities. Chairs need to have previously attended the Oklahoma Arts Conference and be available on-site during the event.
In general, activities for which the host community committee is responsible include:
Promoting the conference on a local level.
Creating a list of local restaurants to feature for conference attendees.
Recruiting and scheduling volunteers to assist with on-site logistics.
Contributing ideas on local programs, artists, spaces, and organizations that may be included in the event.
Assisting with community tours and other activities that take place off-site.
Coordinating interactive art activities.
Identifying feasible and safe options for any conference transportation needs.
Identifying and strategizing ways to reduce barriers, ensuring that the conference is accessible to anyone who wishes to attend.
Addressing other responsibilities when new opportunities emerge.
Optional: Hosting an evening reception (an opening reception) during the conference. The reception would be open to all conference attendees, presenters, participating artists and special guests.
*Chair, co-chair, and members of the committee are subject to the approval of the Oklahoma Arts Council
Responsibilities of the Oklahoma Arts Council
The Oklahoma Arts Conference was established in accordance with the agency's enabling legislation, which directed the agency to exercise its powers and duties to, "foster conferences, institutes and exhibits on the arts and hold or cooperate in such ventures." As a program of the Oklahoma Arts Council, all activities of the Oklahoma Arts Conference are subject to the discretion of the agency. The Oklahoma Arts Council reserves the right to approve all decisions related to the planning and presentation of the event.
In general, activities for which the agency is directly responsible include:
Scheduling, selection, and approval of all conference program components including presenters, session content, performances, and activities
Arrangements with the designated conference site location(s) or conference center staff to coordinate logistics for the program
Design, theme, branding, messaging, and marketing of the conference
Management of the conference budget, including the approval of all expenses and registration rates. The Oklahoma Arts Council will work with Oklahomans for the Arts to create any necessary contracts and execute necessary payments for conference related expenses
Identifying and coordinating a conference committee of volunteers from the host community who will help with different aspects of the conference. The committee may also be comprised of sub-committees assigned to work on specific components of the conference
Serving as spokesperson for the conference
Submit a Proposal
Complete and submit the form below. Deadline to submit proposals is end of the business day on August 15, 2024.
For more information contact our Director of Community Arts and Workforce Programs.