Community Development
Communities that leverage local assets to develop an environment rich with arts and cultural amenities foster community pride and strengthen their economies by attracting tourist dollars. The Oklahoma Arts Council works with community development personnel and organizations statewide to cultivate Oklahoma's cultural infrastructure. In addition to offering staff consultations, the Council offers programs and grants for community development through the arts.
As a public agency our staff is available at no charge to consult with local government officials, community development personnel, arts and cultural organizations and others who wish to develop their communities using local arts and cultural assets.
Assistance can be tailored to meet the needs of individual communities and organizations. Available assistance may include:
Identification of community arts and cultural resources
Identification of traditional artists
Identification of potential cultural heritage tourism products/projects
Creation of regional arts and cultural networks
Nonprofit board development
Strategic planning
Program design and implementation
Fund development
Audience development
For assistance with developing your community through the arts please contact us at (405) 521-2931 or okarts@arts.ok.gov.
Oklahoma Arts Conference
Each year the Council programs the Oklahoma Arts Conference to offer professional development opportunities for those involved in Oklahoma's arts industry. The statewide conference includes sessions led by industry professionals focusing on community development through the arts.
Learn more about the Oklahoma Arts Conference
Leadership Arts
The Leadership Arts program equips 30 individuals each year to become leaders and advocates for the arts in their communities. During four two-day sessions, selected participants learn about the arts' role in community and economic development, education, and quality of life. Participants are selected from throughout the state.
Learn more about Leadership Arts
Grant opportunities are available for arts programming in communities throughout the state. Oklahoma Arts Council grant funding helps make possible the festivals, performances, and exhibits that impact Oklahoma communities.
Learn about grant opportunities for arts programs in communities