Program Development
Arts in Schools
Research demonstrates that sustained arts education improves students’ overall academic success, fostering creativity and equipping students to compete in a global economy. The Oklahoma Arts Council offers consultations, resources, and grants to assist school administrators and teachers in developing strong arts education programs.
As a public agency our staff is available at no charge to consult with teachers, administrators, PTA’s and others who wish to improve their schools through arts education. Assistance can be tailored to meet the needs of individual sites.
For more information please contact our Director of Arts Education Programs.
Arts Education Program Guide
Developed by the Oklahoma Arts Council, the Arts Education Program Guide is available online as a resource for teachers and schools to use in developing arts education programs. The guide is also a resource for arts learning programs that take place outside normal school hours and in communities. To access, click on the links below.
Identify your audience
Step 1 -
Identify available resources
Step 3 -
Identify the key learning goals and learning activities
Step 6 -
Build your budget
Step 8
Grant opportunities are available for arts education in schools statewide. Council funding makes it possible to provide the arts education programs that cultivate student creativity and equip students to compete in a global economy.
Learn about grants available for arts education programs in schools.
For more information please contact our Arts Education Director.