Program Development
Arts in Communities
One of the Oklahoma Arts Council's primary goals is to make the arts accessible to all Oklahomans. To accomplish this we offer assistance to organizations throughout the state that provide arts programs for their communities.
As a public agency our staff is available at no charge to consult with individuals and organizations interested in developing, expanding, or strengthening their community arts programs.
For assistance please contact us at (405) 521-2931 or okarts@arts.ok.gov.
Community Arts Development Guide
Developed by the Oklahoma Arts Council, the Community Arts Development Guide is an online resource that offers steps and details for creating quality community arts programs. Click on the links below to access the guide:
Identify resources
Step 3 -
Create project budget
Step 4 -
Contact artists
Step 5 -
Market the project
Step 6 -
Step 7
Oklahoma Arts Conference
The annual Oklahoma Arts Conference provides professional development opportunities for those involved in community arts programming. The statewide conference includes workshops led by industry professional, panels of community arts leaders from around the state, and networking opportunities with hundreds of others involved in the arts in Oklahoma.
Learn more about the Oklahoma Arts Conference.