Governor William Judson Holloway, 1929-1931
by Leonard D. McMurry
Commissioned by the Oklahoma State Legislature
Dimensions: 25 height
Dedicated 1982

The Artwork
William Judson Holloway was a native of Arkadelphia, Arkansas, born December 15, 1888. After graduation from Ouachita College in 1910, he attended the University of Chicago for a time. While he was living in Hugo and working as a high school principal, he began to read law. He later completed his course to Cumberland University and was admitted to the practice of law at Hugo. He was elected county attorney in 1916, was a State Senator from 1920 to 1924, serving as President pro Tempore. In 1926, he was elected Lieutenant Governor and advanced to the Governor's office upon the impeachment of Gov. Johnston and completed the term. He practiced law in Oklahoma City until his death January 28, 1970.
The Artist
Known as Oklahoma’s own “Michelangelo”, Leonard McMurry was born to a family of prominent cotton farmers in the Texas panhandle. McMurry moved to Oklahoma in 1955 and then lived in Stilwell and Oklahoma City. Under the teachings of sculptors Carl Mose and Ivan Mestrovic, McMurry perfected his craft. His magnificent sculptures of Oklahoma icons can be seen across the state including the ‘89er statue on Couch Drive in Oklahoma City and the Praying Hands that grace the lawns of Oral Roberts University.
In accordance with Oklahoma’s Diamond Jubilee celebration in 1982, Leonard McMurry was commissioned to sculpt busts of 21 past Oklahoma Governors. The Hall of Governors exudes Oklahoman’s pride in her past legislative guardians. Regarding his works, McMurry states, “Each piece must have a soul, a living quality that’s far more important than just physical representation. A piece has to have guts: the strength, power, and dignity, that makes it a monument.” McMurry has accomplished that very feat within the grandiose Hall of Governors in which visitors may come face to face with naturalistic representation of Oklahoma leaders.