Oklahoma Online Fine Arts Curriculum
For Distance Learning and for the Classroom
The Oklahoma Arts Council is developing online fine arts curriculum that will soon be available to Oklahoma parents, students, teachers, substitute teachers, and others for distance learning and in the classroom. Curriculum will be developed in coordination with select Oklahoma teaching artists, whose lesson plan proposals were submitted through an open call that ended May 22, 2020.
Proposal Guidelines and Review Criteria
Curriculum submitted by Oklahoma teaching artists must be grade-level specific, addressing appropriate Oklahoma Academic Standards, and primarily focused on Fine Arts as defined by the Oklahoma State Department of Education (see the Draft Oklahoma Academic Standards for Fine Arts). Curriculum may secondarily address other content areas such as math, English Language Arts, and other subjects.
Ownership of Curriculum
Curriculum selected for publication will become the property of the Oklahoma Arts Council. Artists will be credited for developing the curriculum. The Oklahoma Arts Council will make the curriculum accessible online to the public at no cost.
Teaching artists whose proposed curriculum is selected for publication will receive compensation following the successful completion, submission, and approval by the Oklahoma Arts Council of the items below. Artists may submit up to three proposals. Each proposal should consist of:
A three to twelve-hour lesson plan (instruction should be sequential with each lesson building on previous instruction). Compensation will be determined by lesson plan length as follows:
- 3 1-hour lessons = $1,080
- 6 1-hour lessons = $1,440
- 9 1-hour lessons = $1,800
- 12 1-hour lessons = $2,160
A resource sheet for educators that lists necessary supplies and materials
Pre-session forms for assessing student knowledge at the beginning of the lesson and for establishing desired outcomes
Student learning assessment tools
Teaching artist learning assessment tools
May 22 - deadline for proposals
June 12 - selected artists notified
July 10 - selected artists must submit final curriculum materials
August - curriculum is published to the Oklahoma Arts Council website for public use
Additional Compensation Opportunities
Teaching artists whose curriculum is selected for publication may have additional opportunities for compensation as schools wishing to hire them to present their curriculum may apply for Oklahoma Arts Council grants to compensate artists for their time. Schools may be eligible to receive Oklahoma Arts Council funding to compensate teaching artists to present curriculum to school faculty or directly to students. Click here to learn about our Small Grant Support for Schools program.
For questions, contact our Arts Education Director.