Oklahoma Poetry Out Loud Partnership Grant
Through the Oklahoma Poetry Out Loud Partnership Grant, one organization is selected to partner with the Oklahoma Arts Council in coordinating and implementing the annual state Poetry Out Loud competition in high schools statewide. The competition is part of the national Poetry Out Loud program administered by the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with the Poetry Foundation, encouraging the nation’s youth to learn about great poetry through memorization and recitation. Launched in high schools nationwide in 2006, Poetry Out Loud helps students master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn about their literary heritage. The program has grown to involve millions of students across the country annually.
The organization selected by the Oklahoma Arts Council to implement the state program will receive a grant of up to $17,500. The Oklahoma Arts Council may extend to the selected organization the opportunity to administer the program in subsequent years, reserving the right to seek bids for Poetry Out Loud on an annual basis.
Program Objectives
- Help students master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn about literary history and contemporary life
- Create lifelong lovers of poetry and creative writing
- Improve students’ analytical skills through reading and interpreting a variety of poems
Project Activity Dates
July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 (Grant Period FY2024)
Grant Amount
Up to $17,500 per organization, as determined by the National Endowment for the Arts and Oklahoma Arts Council
Match requirement: No match is required for this partnership grant.
Application Deadline
April 14, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. Central Time
Who Can Apply?
Applicant organizations must be one of the following:
- 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations incorporated in the State of Oklahoma as a Domestic Not for Profit Corporation
- In good standing with the IRS (Organizations that have had their IRS status revoked are not eligible for Oklahoma Arts Council grant support. It is the organization’s responsibility to ensure that its status is current at the time of the application and throughout the life of the award.)
- In good standing with the State of Oklahoma
- Registered with a SAM UEI and eligible to receive federal support (organizations cannot be listed under the SAM Exclusions federal debarred or suspended list)
- Colleges and universities
- Public libraries
What is the Scope of Work?
The Poetry Out Loud program requires broad outreach and promotion of the contest to high schools across Oklahoma, distribution of Poetry Out Loud materials to schools wishing to participate, provision of technical assistance as needed, facilitation of regional and state level recitation competitions, and coordination of winning student’s preparation and travel for the national contest. Within the scope of work, the selected organization will be given, and encouraged to fully leverage, latitude for originality in its implementation and execution of the program. The contest schedule is as follows:
Fall Semester – Outreach and promotion; distribution of materials; regional and state contest planning
February – Oklahoma regional contests (optional)
March – Oklahoma state contest
April – National contest (Washington, D.C.)
What Expenses Are Allowable?
Funding from this grant can be used toward the reimbursement of Poetry Out Loud program-related expenses such as artistic fees, administrative fees, technical fees, travel expenses, consumable supplies, equipment and facility rentals made between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024. Please see the Grant Program Guidelines document for complete list of allowable and unallowable expenses.
Documents and Links
Grant Program Guidelines (available soon)
General Grant Terms and Conditions
How to Apply
Step 1: If your organization has not applied for an Oklahoma Arts Council grant in the past three years, you will need to request access to the grant system. If your organization is selected for the partnership, you will need to manage the award through the grant system. If you have questions, please contact our grants office at 405-521-2040 or grants@arts.ok.gov.
Step 2: To submit a proposal for the Poetry Out Loud Partnership, please send the following materials as email attachments to jennifer.allen-barron@arts.ok.gov no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 1, 2023. Include “FY24 Poetry Out Loud Proposal” in the subject line. Incomplete and late proposals will not be considered.
FY2024 Poetry Out Loud Partnership Proposal Materials
A cover letter with a summary of the bid
Explanation of how the Poetry Out Loud program aligns with your organization’s mission and how it would complement current programming
Description of the statewide engagement and promotional strategy to schools
Description of any resources available to your organization that may assist in efforts to successfully implement the program
Description of ideas for implementing and executing the program that will further the reach and impact of the program
Bios of staff members who will be directly involved with the management and implementation of the program
A program budget
Who to Contact for Help
For questions about this grant program, contact Jennifer Allen-Barron, Arts Education Director, at jennifer.allen-barron@arts.ok.gov or 405-521-2036.
For questions about grant system access, contact Martyna Sandoval, Grants and Programs Associate, at martyna.sandoval@arts.ok.gov or 405-521-2040.
For questions about managing your grant award, contact Thomas Tran, Grants Director, at thomas.tran@arts.ok.gov or 405-521-2041.