Performing Arts Experience Grant for Alternative Education
Students who attend alternative education schools often require specific educational interventions. Live performing arts experiences can support the education of students in alternative schools through exposure to unique content, interaction with local arts professionals, and by offering students a glimpse into careers in the arts.
Program Objectives
Expand access to live performing arts (dance, drama, literary arts, media arts, and/or music) to more Oklahoma students.
Offer arts education for students in alternative education school sites that is tailored to meet individual student and site goals and that supports the goals of Oklahoma Alternative Education.
Provide support to schools in rural, remote, and lower-income communities.
Project Actvity Dates
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025 (Grant Period FY2025)
Grant Amount
Up to $2,000 per school
There is no match requirement for this grant program.
Application Deadline
60 days before the project begins
Who Can Apply?
Schools identified by the Oklahoma State Department of Education as Alternative Education school sites.
What Types of Experiences Can Be Supported?
Events and activities centered on the performing arts, including:
Hosting a performing artist or arts group for an in-school concert or performance
School field trips to attend live dance, drama, media arts, or music performances
For questions about what types of experiences can be supported, contact our Arts Education Director.
What Expenses Are Allowable?
Funding from the Arts in Alternative Education Grant can be used to support the following expenses:
Performing artist fees (payment to the performer or group hired by the school)
Performing artist travel expenses (may include mileage, lodging, or other costs but cannot include food or drink)
Student travel expenses (may include car or bus rental fees)
Student ticket/admission costs
Consumable Supplies (must be directly related to the project)
Other expenses (including printed programs, signage, licensing and/or royalty fees, etc.)
Unallowable expenses include food or drink, apparel or other consumable goods, capital expenditures and/or building improvements, permanent art installations, tuition, scholarships, activities for which college credit is given, loss of revenue, debt repayment, subgranting, duties or expenses related to fundraising and/or lobbying, activities or expenses that may advance or inhibit any religious belief, events that are not open to the public, cash prizes or awards, and hospitality expenses (i.e., food, drink, receptions, parties, galas).
Grant Process
Request access to the grant system (for new schools only)
Submit an application
Application is reviewed by Oklahoma Arts Council
Award notification (if the project is selected for funding)
Accept grant contract
Project activity occurs
Submit a final report
Grant payment is processed
Documents and Links
Grant Program Guidelines
General Grant Terms and Conditions
Grant System Login
How to Apply
Step 1: Your organization must be verified in the Oklahoma Arts Council grant portal before applying for this grant opportunity. If your organization is new to Oklahoma Arts Council grants, you must create a new account in the Fluxx grant portal and complete the eligibility verification process (which may take up to 15 days to review and process). If you have questions, contact our grants office at grants@arts.ok.gov or 405-521-2040.
Step 2: Once your organization is verified, you can start an application from the Apply for Funding page. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on the application deadline date published on the grant program guidelines. If an application deadline falls on a weekend or state holiday, the application will be due by 5:00 p.m. on the next business day. Late submissions are subject to the noncompliance policies as outlined in the General Grant Terms and Conditions.
Who to Contact for Help
For questions about this grant program, contact Jennifer Allen-Barron, Arts Education Director, at jennifer.allen-barron@arts.ok.gov or 405-521-2036.
For questions about grant system access, contact Martyna Sandoval, Grants and Programs Associate, at martyna.sandoval@arts.ok.gov or 405-521-2040.
For questions about managing your grant award, contact Thomas Tran, Grants Director, at thomas.tran@arts.ok.gov or 405-521-2041.