Tonya Kilburn

Exploring the Elements of Dance
Discipline: Dance
Grade Levels: 3-4
Number of sequential sessions in lesson plan: 3
Curriculum Summary
This is a moving expedition through space and time with energy designed for students to discover more about themselves and to uncover movement possibilities. Students will learn and understand dance vocabulary. Students will deepen their understanding of dance elements through experiencing and exploring locomotor and non-locomotor movements, creating different shapes with their bodies, traveling through space using different pathways and directions, and by changing the range of their movements from big to small, fast to slow. Students will develop understanding of spatial awareness when working alone, with a partner, in a group, using personal space and general space. Students will also use improvisation to further develop skills. This moving expedition will allow students to explore the structure of a dance class and develop a better understanding of safety measures, such as the importance of warming up and cooling down.
Materials Needed:
- Floor space - open and free of obstacles (living room or playroom with furniture moved to provide space to move)
- If following the video, access to internet. Music will be provided through video.
- If following a PDF lesson format, appropriate music will be suggested, but specific music is not mandatory.
- A way to play music is recommended but this lesson is not dependent on music.
- Special clothing is not needed.
Oklahoma Academic Standards Addressed
D.PR.1: Students will develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.
D.PR.2: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.
D.CR.1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.