OKC Improv

Booking Information:
Sue Ellen Reiman
OKC Improv
PO Box 57404
Oklahoma City, OK 73157-7404
(405) 465-9858
Year round
Performance: (2-8 performers) $500-$1500
Workshop: (1-4 performers) $150-$300
Performance and Workshop: (2-8 Performers) $600-$1700
Founded in 2009, OKC Improv is Oklahoma's premiere performance showcase and teaching institution dedicated to the art of improvisational comedy and theatre. In addition to producing regular shows featuring the best local and regional improv acts, we work to raise awareness and understanding of improv among audiences and practitioners through publicity, outreach, and education including ongoing classes and workshops. We currently produce an ongoing Saturday night showcase at Reduxion's Broadway Theatre and perform at private and public events around the metro, such as the State Fair, the Festival of the Arts and Opening Night. We also run stand-alone workshops, corporate training, and team building events.
OKC Improv works with over 30 different performance groups within the state of Oklahoma that all have a unique approach to this dynamic art form, allowing us to put together varied programs. Some of our most prominent acts include Everybody and Their Dog (long form improv), Fortune's Fools (improvised Shakespeare), The Ones Your Mother Warned You About (improvised relationship comedy), The Laughing Stocks (short-form improv), Villian: The Musical (improvised Broadway style musical), and the nationally recognized duo act, Twinprov (improvised scenes and songs on a theme). We are available to teach workshops on any of these styles of improv at an additional fee.