2021-2025 Strategic Plan

About the Strategic Plan
Download the 2021-2025 Oklahoma Arts Council Strategic Plan
Every five years, the Oklahoma Arts Council embarks on a process of creating a strategic plan that outlines the mission, vision, guiding principles, values, and goals that will guide the work of the agency. In March 2021, the Governor-appointed Oklahoma Arts Council board approved a new strategic plan that will guide the agency through 2025. The strategic plan is the result of a comprehensive process that prioritized input from Oklahomans representing communities statewide. Learn more about the process below.
Planning and Implementation
In creating the 2021-2025 Oklahoma Arts Council Strategic Plan, the Oklahoma Arts Council undertook a comprehensive process that prioritized input from Oklahomans representing communities statewide. Outlined below are the steps taken in creating the plan.
Oklahoma Arts Council Strategic Planning Committee and staff
assessed the status of the agency, including its mission, values, and guiding principles. -
Strategy sessions continued internally with staff, while data was collected from the field.
Cornerstone Conversations allowed Oklahoma Arts Council staff to listen, learn, and dream with Oklahomans representing all communities for what is possible for the state through the arts. These community engagement sessions involved more than 200 constituents from Guymon, Woodward, Enid, Shawnee, Tulsa, Weatherford, Idabel, Ardmore, Miami, and surrounding communities.
Nearly 600 survey responses were submitted by Oklahomans statewide through the Oklahoma Arts Council’s effort to solicit candid feedback related to constituent satisfaction with agency programs and services.
A review of existing data and research guided the development of a strategic framework consisting of a new mission, vision, guiding principles, and values for the Oklahoma Arts Council.
Staff provided strategies and outcomes to shape the goals and focus areas of the plan, while an independent consultant offered guidance and revisions to the draft plan.
The strategic plan was released for public comment and a publicly accessible strategic planning webpage was created to maintain transparency and to invite ongoing input.
Cornerstone Conversations
An important building block in the creation of the 2021-2025 Oklahoma Arts Council Strategic Plan, the Oklahoma Arts Council hosted a series of listening sessions, called Cornerstone Conversations, across the state from fall 2019 to spring 2020. The sessions were designed to empower Oklahomans representing all communities to partner with the Oklahoma Arts Council in creating shared goals for using the arts to meet needs statewide.
Cornerstone Conversations sessions were co-facilitated by members of the local communities. Attendees participated in individual exercises and small group discussion and were given opportunities to provide written feedback. Through Cornerstone Conversations, the Oklahoma Arts Council staff was able to listen, learn, and dream together with Oklahomans representing all communities for what is possible for our state through the arts.
Strategic Planning Reports
Cornerstone Conversations: A Qualitative Analysis
Data collected during the nine Cornerstone Conversations sessions held in communities across the state was compiled and analyzed by the University of Oklahoma's Hope Research Center. This document presents the results of the qualitative content analysis conducted to identify and categorize themes that developed across the focus groups.
Oklahoma Arts Council 2020 Strategic Planning Survey Report
From February 18 to March 11, 2020, the Oklahoma Arts Council, in partnership with the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA), administered an online survey as part of a comprehensive strategic planning process to evaluate our agency's programs and priorities. Nearly 600 responses were received from Oklahomans across the state. This report presents the findings of the survey.
Strategic Planning Process
View this blueprint to learn more about the Oklahoma Arts Council process for developing its 2021-2025 strategic plan.