Jackie Nelson

Contact Information:
Jackie Nelson
(405) 922-9121
Visual Arts
- Early Childhood
- Elementary School
- Middle School
- High School
- Adults
- Educators
- Older Adults
- Pre-K
- Elementary
- Middle Schools
- High Schools
- Parks & Recreation Centers
- Arts Centers
- Childcare Centers
- Libraries
- Senior Centers
- Central Oklahoma
- NW Oklahoma
Jacqueline Nelson is an experienced art teacher who specializes in painting, drawing, and ceramics. Nelson strives to create a classroom environment where students can explore their creativity, express themselves, and develop a deep sense of self-confidence. She aims to create engaging and dynamic art lessons that cater to diverse learning styles, ensuring that each child is actively involved in the learning process.
Nelson holds a certification as a visual arts instructor for Oklahoma schools. She began teaching in 2007 and has collaborated with several public and private institutions to deliver art education to a wide spectrum of individuals. During the pandemic, Nelson participated in a collaborative effort to create virtual art curriculum for students. She finds inspiration for her teaching by exploring art trends and techniques, collaborating with fellow art teachers, visiting art galleries, attending art workshops, and creating her own art.
Learning Goals:
- VA.CP.1: Learn and use vocabulary and concepts related to visual arts.
- VA.CP.2: Practice and refine techniques and skills related to visual arts.
- VA.CP.3: Apply concepts, vocabulary, techniques, and skills to make creative choices and practice individual expression.
- VA. P.1: Utilize a variety of ideas and subject matter in creation of original works of visual art.
- VA.P.4: Revise and refine artworks to create finished works of art.