Arts Education
Development Guide
Step 4: Brainstorm and Formulate Your Ideas
Consider a number of creative approaches to delivering an arts learning program to your students. Make every attempt to understand what will serve your students best, and connect with them most. Design and plan your project from the perspective of the participant while also considering the things that are important to the integrity of the art form. If you present a particular learning program regularly, on an annual or semi-annual basis, consider changing the program significantly in rotations so that the instruction stays fresh.
Consider the following when formulating ideas for your project:
What is your organization capable of in terms of time, personnel, space and other resources?
What kinds of things would resonate most with your target audience?
Think outside of the box - what might be especially creative and engaging for students?
How can I provide the most authentic or “real-life” experience for my students?
How can my project engage and impact others from the community (in addition to the student participants)?
What changes can I make to my program to keep it fresh, exciting, and relevant to students?