Oklahoma Arts Council News
Crowd Celebrates Reopening of Betty Price Gallery at Capitol
A crowd of nearly 200 people were on hand for the grand reopening celebration of the Betty Price Gallery in the Oklahoma State Capitol on the afternoon of February 25. The program featured remarks by Governor Kevin Stitt, legislative leaders Senator Adam Pugh and Representative Chad Caldwell, Oklahoma Arts Council Chair Kristie Buergler and Executive Director Amber Sharples.
Oklahomans Invited to Bob Wills Day at Capitol
An annual celebration of one of Oklahoma's most influential and iconic musicians, Bob Wills Day at the Capitol is slated to take place Monday, March 10.
New Deadlines for Two Partnership Grant Programs
Grantee organizations and potential applicants are urged to note changes to the deadlines for two Oklahoma Arts Council partnership grants. The changes reflect the fiscal year 2026 grant cycle.
Creative Aging Webinar to Focus on Supporting People with Dementia
Improving the lives of people living with dementia will be the focus of a webinar hosted by the Oklahoma Arts Council on March 13. "Art, Memory, and Connection: Supporting People with Dementia through Creative Aging" will feature Jacob Guinan of the Oklahoma Healthy Brain Initiative, who will provide insights on ways arts education can benefit those living with dementia and those who provide their care. Diane Powell of the Alzheimer's Association will also join the webinar to speak about her organization's early-stage engagement training program, highlighting ways arts organizations can partner with the Alzheimer's Association to create programs for people experiencing memory loss.