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Oklahoma State Capitol

2018 Oklahoma Arts Conference

Panchromatic: Spectrum of Possibilities

Arlene GoldbardArlene Goldbard
Arlene Goldbard is a writer, speaker, consultant, and cultural activist whose focus is the intersection of culture, politics, and spirituality. Through her uplifting and visionary presentations, Goldbard has challenged and inspired artists, organizations, and communities nationwide. Among the books Goldbard has authored are “New Creative Community: The Art of Cultural Development, Community, Culture and Globalization,” and “Crossroads: Reflections on the Politics of Culture.” Her more recently published books related to art’s public purpose include, “The Wave” and “The Culture of Possibility: Art, Artists and The Future.” In her speaking engagements, Goldbard has addressed academic and community audiences across the U.S. and Europe. Community-based organizations, independent media groups, and public and private funders and policymakers have all sought and relied on Goldbard’s expertise. Goldbard currently serves as Chief Policy Wonk for the United States Department of Arts and Culture—a nonprofit grassroots action network, and as President of the Board of Directors of The Shalom Center.

Arlene Goldbard's Schedule
Finding Your Largest Vision
Date: Wednesday – October, 24 2018 Time: 9:30am - 11:00am
Room: Holloway House Track: Artists
Too often, the artist’s story is shrunk to the size of a pea: Someone has a talent for drawing or singing, acting or dancing; that person finds a way to study and practice; questions of livelihood become part of the conversation; and, compromises are made. As an artist, you have the choice to see yourself merely as, 1) someone who hopes to exchange artistic skills for money and attention; or, 2) someone who is always in the process of becoming an instrument of beauty and meaning, who is always learning to show up in an integrated state—fully present and engaged in all dimensions—and who therefore has a very special role to play in the world. In this session for artists, we will start by exploring what sets you on your path as an artist, and we will dream into your largest vision for what it can mean to you and to the world.

Story Circles for Civic Dialogue and Art-Making: An Interactive Workshop
Date: Wednesday – October, 24 2018 Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm
Room: The Paramount on Film Row 2nd Floor Track: Community Development
A story circle is a small group of individuals sitting in a circle, sharing stories—usually from their own experience or imagination—focusing on a common theme. Each person gets equal time and attention and no interruptions or contradictions, then the group reflects on the body of stories that were shared. Story circles a way to share experiences, exploring commonalities and differences, to have a real dialogue around potentially polarized issues, and to surface stories for use in devising theater, murals, or other arts projects.

As stories are layered, complexity and richness emerge, and so do underlying commonalities between participants and onlookers. The sum of any story circle is a multidimensional exploration of its theme, making the points that there isn’t one way to look at any topic or situation, and that everyone’s story adds wisdom, shedding light where it’s most needed.

Goldbard will help workshop participants learn to master story circles as a powerful democratic dialogue tool. Detailed written instructions will be provided as a takeaway.

Refreshing Your Vision: An Interactive Workshop
Date: Thursday – October, 25 2018 Time: 10:00am - 11:30am
Room: The Paramount on Film Row 2nd Floor
Arts activists sometimes get advocacy fatigue: how to summon the energy to make the case one more time to people who don’t seem to be listening? This workshop offers fresh, new ways to look at your work, energizing your creativity and sense of mission.

Empathy, Equity, and Belonging: What The World Needs Now
Date: Thursday – October, 25 2018 Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Room: 21c Museum and Hotel Main Gallery
In challenging and polarized times, it is easy to lose heart. How do we begin to address the gulfs in understanding and relationship that divide us? To heal whatever is broken—our economy, the climate, race relations—as we face all types of fear, we must heal our capacity for self-knowledge, empathy, imagination, and social creativity. We need to change the story to change the world. And to change the story, we need artists. In this keynote, Arlene Goldbard will share a vision of artists as catalysts for empathy, equity and belonging, with gifts that awaken awareness and compassionate action. Goldbard will offer a framework for understanding the great transformation that is needed, and she will advise on finding our most powerful and satisfying role within it.

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