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Oklahoma State Capitol

2018 Oklahoma Arts Conference

Panchromatic: Spectrum of Possibilities

Nicole Poole
Nicole Poole is a Certified Soundpainter and veteran performer with the Walter Thompson Orchestra and the SoundPainting Orchestra de l’Union des Musiciens de Jazz (Paris). With a specialization in multi-disciplinary work, Poole assists performing ensembles with enhancing theatricality, and she serves as a collaboration coach for business organizations seeking to expand their creative potential. Poole has led workshops in Paris, Milan, New York City, Woodstock, Vassar College, and Boston University.

Nicole Poole's Schedule
Harnessing Collective Creativity: Soundpainting Workshop with Nicole Poole
Date: Wednesday – October, 24 2018 Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm
Room: Holloway House Track: Artists
In this unique workshop, participants will be immersed in a world of collective creation through “soundpainting,” a revolutionary compositional sign language developed to structure multidisciplinary, collaborative improvisations. In its basic form, through gesture, a composer, or “soundpainter,” relates to a group of performers who then perform their interpretation of the gesture. The resulting composition is uniquely collaborative. Bring your instruments or use your imagination and bring anything that can make a sustainable and repeatable noise of any kind. Use the conference theme, “Panchromatic,” as inspiration for vocal material such as “Purple Rain” or “Yellow Submarine.” Visual artist? Bring color to create a visual sound. All participants will be given a packet containing the basic soundpainting gestures to bring back to their own communities. Fast-paced and fabulously fun, performers and “civilians” alike will lend their talents to create the Oklahoma Arts Conference’s first-ever collaborative orchestra!

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For more information contact our Director of Community Arts and Workforce Development.