2023 Oklahoma Arts Conference
"Promise in the Road Ahead"
Lauree Dash
A veteran of the television industry, Lauree Dash is a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and Advanced Yoga Nidra Facilitator having taught the concepts and practices of mindfulness and meditation for over 5 years in Oklahoma in both healthcare settings, and the corporate world. Dash relocated to Oklahoma City following a 20-year career as an Emmy-winning television producer in Los Angeles. Her husband, Oklahoma native Ford Austin, is a Level 1 Trauma Survivor of a catastrophic car accident that was the catalyst for her changing her life. Dash's expertise has been enlisted locally by the INTEGRIS Cancer Institute, Mercy Cardiac Rehab, the Oklahoma Association of Community Action Agencies, Public Strategies, Chesapeake Energy, and Soul Yoga OKC. She has presented for the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, Calm Waters Counseling Center, and for teachers at ASTEC Charter School. Among her many efforts, Dash co-created a program of mindfulness practices as part of the integrative medicine program offered to cancer patients at the INTEGRIS Cancer Institute. Dash is a graduate of the two-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program with master teachers Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach through the University of California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center. She has studied mindfulness and the heart practices through the UCLA Mindful Awareness Program (MAPs), and is currently the only trained teacher in Oklahoma for Mindful Self Compassion, based on the work of Kristin Neff and Chris Germer.
Lauree Dash's Schedule |
An Introduction to Mindfulness |
Date: Wednesday – October, 18 2023 Time: 1:30pm - 2:45pm
Room: Elk Room A&B |
Mindfulness is the practiced ability to witness and be with whatever arises in our lives. For this experiential session led by certified mindfulness meditation teacher Lauree Dash, you will discover why mindfulness is beneficial, you will hear about the neuroscience behind it, and you learn how to meditate with a basic anchor practice. The gift of mindfulness is a shift from reactivity to choice. No prior experience is necessary.
Setting the Tone for Mindfulness |
Date: Wednesday – October, 18 2023 Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Room: Bison Room B&C |
The evidence-based meditation practice yoga nidra, or “yogic sleep,” turns on the parasympathetic nervous system and offers a deep reset for the entire body. Join advanced yoga nidra teacher Lauree Dash and sacred sound practitioner Joe Holcomb for this very special guided meditation experience set to singing bowls. Dress warmly. A limited number of blankets will be available. It is recommended that you bring a blanket or pillow from home. (Pillows and blankets from the Hilton guest rooms are not permitted in the conference rooms). No prior experience is necessary.
Replenished for the Road Ahead |
Date: Thursday – October, 19 2023 Time: 7:30am - 8:00am
Room: Bison Room B&C |
Whether serving staff, students, audiences, neighborhoods, or communities, our work in the arts is often about leading or meeting the needs of others. However, effective leadership and service to others is not sustainable when we, ourselves, are experiencing compassion fatigue. In order to give back, we must devote time to personal replenishment. In this session, incorporating a series of breath awareness exercises, Lauree Dash will guide us to be more intentional in starting each day with a level of attention to self-care. Start day two of the conference with greater attention and intention!
Building Resilience and Wisdom through Equanimity |
Date: Thursday – October, 19 2023 Time: 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Room: Elk Room A&B |
It can be exceeding difficult to manage our reactive minds in stressful situations. However the research shows that learning to care for our reactivity leads to greater resilience and wiser choices both at work and in our lives. In this experiential session, Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Lauree Dash will present on the mindful heart quality of equanimity. A brief keynote and talk will illuminate the core qualities of equanimity, including letting go, the ability to release resistance, and embracing things just as they are, which leads to greater resilience, balance, and inner wisdom. The talk will be followed by an equanimity meditation practice designed to help participants find greater peace and acceptance with an issue in their own lives.
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