2023 Oklahoma Arts Conference
Native American Artist Forum
Date: Tuesday – October, 17 2023
Time: 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Room: Dorothy Sunrise Lorentino Educational Center
Location: Dorothy Sunrise Lorentino Educational Center – 1608 SW 9th Street, Lawton Offered to Native American artists living in Oklahoma artists who wish to learn about resources available to support their work and creative practice, and to connect with other Native American artists. Whether a performing artist, a craftsperson, a visual artist, writer, filmmaker, creative entrepreneur, or cultural keeper, this session can provide information to advance your creative practice and career development. Attend and learn about local and national artist support services, grants, and opportunities for professional development. Refreshments and time for networking will be provided. Bring business cards or promotional materials to share with others in attendance.
Individuals do not need to register for the full Oklahoma Arts Conference to attend this afternoon session, but they must RSVP by contacting Eyakem Gulilat at eyakem.gulilat@arts.ok.gov or (405) 316-0942.
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For more information contact our Director of Community Arts and Workforce Development.