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Oklahoma State Capitol

2023 Oklahoma Arts Conference

"Promise in the Road Ahead"

Caroline Lowery
Caroline Lowery serves as Executive Director of Oklahoma Humanities—the state’s affiliate for the National Endowment for the Humanities. Lowery’s work focuses on the intersection of the academic and public humanities and improving and increasing accessibility to the humanities statewide. Lowery received her Bachelor of Arts in Humanities from the University of Central Oklahoma and her Master of Arts from the University of Oklahoma with research focusing on qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the public humanities in American life. Prior to serving as the Executive Director, Lowery was a Program Officer with Oklahoma Humanities from 2012-2016. As a lifelong advocate for liberal arts education and equitable education opportunities for all Oklahomans, Lowery serves on the Board of Directors for the Oklahoma Council for History Education and the Advisory Board for the University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts

Caroline Lowery's Schedule
General Session Luncheon
Date: Wednesday – October, 18 2023 Time: 11:30am - 1:15pm
Room: Great Plains Ballroom A&B
The general session luncheon program will feature a special keynote presentation by distinguished National Heritage Fellow Vanessa Jennings who has been called a "living national treasure" by two U.S. presidents for her deep knowledge of Kiowa culture. Along with Jennings' presentation, attendees will enjoy performances by pianist Hyunsoon Whang and Oklahoma State Poet Laureate Jay Snider. A legislative citation recognizing Oklahoma as Arts and Humanities Month in Oklahoma will be presented by State Representative Daniel Pae and State Representative Rande Worthen.

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