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Oklahoma State Capitol

2023 Oklahoma Arts Conference

"Promise in the Road Ahead"

Diane Scott
Diane Scott is an arts administrator, educator, and writer specializing in the development of resources and programming to support artists in the management of enduring artistic practices. Scott was the founding director and principle designer for the Artist INC professional development program that has been completed by more than 1,400 artists across seven states since 2009. In her current role as the Director of Artist Services at Mid-America Arts Alliance, Scott manages a suite of artist professional development programming including Artist INC, Artist INC Express, Artists 360, Catalyze, and Interchange. She recently completed work on her artist entrepreneurship textbook, "Making Art Work for You: Arts Management for the Individual Artist."

Diane Scott's Schedule
What Works? (Artist Entrepreneurship)
Date: Wednesday – October, 18 2023 Time: 10:15am - 11:15am
Room: Elk Room A&B
What Works is a workshop based on sharing the common behaviors of successful artist entrepreneurs. This workshop includes discussions of goal setting and planning, multiple income streams, communications, strategic networking, financial planning, and more. Designed for artists and creatives of all disciplines—from dancers to poets—this workshop includes a What Works workbook that offers participants goal setting and strategic planning exercises, a marketing checklist, and prompts that will inspire to “make art work.”

The Big Rocks of Artist Time Management
Date: Thursday – October, 19 2023 Time: 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Room: Elk Room A&B
This interactive workshop will have artists and creatives of all disciplines working together to understand time management. Artists are their own bosses, and often not very nice bosses to themselves. This workshop will help participants with decision-making around time, while aligning time with their creative purposes. This fun session includes rocks, paint pens, group challenges, and opportunities to engage with peers.

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For more information contact our Director of Community Arts and Workforce Development.