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Oklahoma State Capitol

2023 Oklahoma Arts Conference

"Promise in the Road Ahead"

Dewaine Farria
Dewaine Farria is the author of the novel "Revolutions of All Colors," winner of Syracuse University’s 2019 Veteran’s Writing contest. His short stories and essays have appeared in Literary Hub, the New York Times, Rumpus, the Southern Humanities Review, CRAFT, and various anthologies among other notable publications. Farria is a contributing editor for the Maine Review and an instructor in the Voices From War Writing Workshop. As a U.S. Marine, Farria served in Jordan and Ukraine. Most of his professional life outside military service has been with the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS), with assignments around the world. Farria was awarded UNDSS’s Bravery Award for his actions during an attack on a compound in Mogadishu in 2013. He holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of the State of New York-Albany, a Master of Science in International and Area Studies from the University of Oklahoma, and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. Farria was awarded a Creative Writing Literature Fellowship by the National Endowment of the Arts in 2022, and a MacDowell Fellowship in Literature Fiction in 2021 and 2022.

Dewaine Farria's Schedule
Oklahoma Arts and the Military Summit III
Date: Tuesday – October, 17 2023 Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Room: McCasland Ballroom
Theme: Arts, Health, and Wellbeing Across the Military Continuum

Geared towards both the arts and military communities, the Oklahoma Arts and the Military Summit III will take place as a pre-conference event. Featuring special guest speakers, group discussions, a workshop, and a performance by Perpetual Motion Dance (, the summit will offer attendees the knowledge and skills to develop cross-sector collaborative programs that will bring meaningful arts learning opportunities to Oklahomans across the spectrum of military experiences. Join us to learn how to expand arts programming to uniquely meet the needs of the military community statewide.

Individuals do not need to register for the full Oklahoma Arts Conference to attend this one-day summit, but they must RSVP by contacting Erika Wilhite at

The Oklahoma Arts and the Military Summit III is made possible in part with the support of Mid-America Arts Alliance.

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For more information contact our Director of Community Arts and Workforce Development.