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Oklahoma State Capitol

2023 Oklahoma Arts Conference

"Promise in the Road Ahead"

Melody Allen
Melody Allen is an artist based in Tulsa who specializes in acrylic and watercolor paintings. She has been exploring the world of acrylic paint markers for the past two years. Allen's creative process consists of getting lost in her imagination and translating that imaginary world through art. Her subject matter is often expressed through animals painted in colorful palettes and clouds. Occasionally, her inner comic book fan comes out. Allen's imagery is often inspired by anime, comic strips, and, more recently, books. She is currently reading through "Chronicles of Narnia" and "The Lord of the Rings."

Melody Allen's Schedule
Artist Co-Ops of Oklahoma
Date: Thursday – October, 19 2023 Time: 1:45pm - 2:45pm
Room: Great Plains Ballroom E
The artist co-op business model is one way that visual artists can organize to support collective artistic growth, visibility, and career development. For this session, representatives from Oklahoma-based artist co-ops Oklahoma Indian Arts & Crafts Cooperative of Anadarko and BlackMoon of Tulsa will discuss the history and work of their co-ops, sharing information on best practices and keys for success. This session is recommended for artists who are considering the possibility of starting a co-op.

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