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Oklahoma State Capitol

2023 Oklahoma Arts Conference

"Promise in the Road Ahead"

Chairman Mark Woommavovah
Mark E. Woommavovah, Chairman of the Comanche Nation, is a retired Lieutenant Colonel US Army and a member of the Comanche Indian Veterans Associations (CIVA). He received a scholarship to Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College. After earning an associate’s degree there, he joined the Army and soon started at the University of Oklahoma on an ROTC scholarship. He left with a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice and a commission as a military police officer. He is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma and a graduate of the University of Oklahoma ROTC Commissioning Class of ’92. He had found his career, spending 31 years in the Army, one of only 12 Comanche Indians to earn the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Mr. Woommavovah is married to his wife, Amber, and they have three sons, Marcus, Michael, and Dylan. He was a former Leadership and Talent Scout, Senior Military Instructor of Military Science at the University of Oklahoma ROTC, Coach for the University of Oklahoma Army ROTC 10 Mile Team and Sooner Battalion Running and Triathlon Club, Volunteer Youth Track and Cross Country coach for Cleveland County Family YMCA, Member of the OK Runner Team, Mentor and Advisor for the student athletes at the University of Oklahoma, Personal Trainer and Life Coach, Member of The Greater Lawton Rotary Club, Lawton Rotary Leadership Board of Trustees, Kiowa Comanche Apache Indian Land Use Committee Board, United Way Board of Directors, Lawton Ft. Still Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Health and Human Services Secretary’s Tribal Advisory Committee- Oklahoma Area Alternate Delegate, Indian Gaming Association Southern Plains Region Board of Directors Alternate, OCA Alternate Representative for the Direct Service Tribes Advisory Committee (DSTAC), Public and Motivational Speaker, Member of the Boomer Toastmaster Club, and children’s book author, “The Little Indian Runner."

Chairman Mark Woommavovah's Schedule
Good Morning, Lawton!
Date: Wednesday – October, 18 2023 Time: 8:30am - 9:00am
Room: Great Plains Ballroom A&B
Join your Lawton Conference Co-chairs Melissa Beck and Jason Poudrier as they welcome you to the 2023 Oklahoma Arts Conference! This session will include a special welcome from Comanche Chairman Mark Woomavovah and a performance by the Comanche Nation Youth Dancers. Special announcements will be made and you will hear how to make the most of your time in Lawton and at the conference.

Comanche Strong: How Art and Culture Strengthen Community, Build Resilience, and Foster Community Well-Being
Date: Wednesday – October, 18 2023 Time: 10:15am - 11:15am
Room: Great Plains Ballroom D
Research is increasingly linking arts and cultural experiences to improved health and well-being for people of all ages. During this session, Comanche Nation cultural representatives will share how Lawton-based cultural programs have contributed to improved well-being and quality of life for youth and adults who participate in learning traditional Comanche dances and art instruction.

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For more information contact our Director of Community Arts and Workforce Development.